What we do
Organisations may have high levels of expertise in techniques concerned with the products/services that they market, but be unaware of the potential of concepts such as creativity and their relationship with innovation.
IZINKER offers an alternative way of applying creative methods to real problems and challenges. We offer the right methods and environment for generating valuable ideas that can lead to innovation projects.
Our services are based on the concept of “creative accompaniment”, and are provided in three phases with the shared target of getting our customers to consider us as a support for generating value at their organisations through creativity, ideas and their implementation.
Organisation of courses & seminars on awareness for management staff at organisations.
The objective is to show leaders of organisations that creativity can help people to assume responsibility and contribute ideas that lead to innovations.
Organisation of training workshops for teams from the same organisation, to work on actual problems or challenges.
Customers can stage a pilot scheme with a team from their organisation to check out the actual potential of establishing a creative culture.
for action
Implementation of a creative culture through training, establishment of auto-suggestion-based brainstorming teams, creation of figures to encourage creativity, generation of channels for creating ideas and challenges and creation of start-up teams for innovative projects.
creative culture at organisations
We believe that these services are mutually complementary and that proper implementation means developing gradually from awareness to systematisation, though each stage of the process has value in itself for firms.